Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sylvia Mantis and Matt Jr. Mantis

On the collection trip this past Sunday I caught two pregnant female Mantids. I decided to keep them as pets until they lay their eggs and die a natural death. Here are some photos and a status update for you guys on how they are doing!

This is Sylvia Mantis, the bigger of the two, crawling onto my friends face to say hello.

A close up of Sylvia.

This is Matt Jr. Mantis, who is much smaller and less intimidating than Sylvia. Matt Jr. enjoys sitting on my shoulder and climbing to the top of piles of random stuff on my desk. Both Mantids are living in Tupperware containers filled with leaves, sticks, and a few crickets. Sylvia is refusing to eat anything, which probably means she is going to lay her eggs soon. Matt Jr. however, has no reservations about eating. She is averaging 3 to 4 crickets per day.

Hopefully you guys are as enamored as I am.

- Isabella

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